Every Day Counts - School Attendance Campaign August 2023

Good attendance at school is one of the most important factor in ensuring that children and young people have the best opportunities in life. Being in school gives children the best chance to learn, make friends and get the most from their education.

1st September, 2023

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We know that those first days back in school really matter; research published by the Children's Commissioner indicates the significant impact of absence in the first week of the Autumn Term and how critical that week is for getting pupils into school and settled into the school routine. Analysis of the data showed that:

  • Children who had an unauthorised absence on any day in the first week of term, experienced an overall unauthorised absence rate of 25% compared to an overall unauthorised absence rate of two percent for pupils who did not miss any sessions in the first week.
  • Missing the second, third or fourth day of the new term is associated with an overall absence of around 43%, or 30 days of school, compared to missing days near the end of term, which were associated with an overall absence of 20-30%.


If you have a social media presence as a team/service can you please use these key messages and assets over the following weeks to help parents understand the importance of school attendance.

Key Messages

  • New school year, new routines. Every day at school adds up so start the year right. For advice and support with school attendance, speak to your child’s school or visit www.justonenorfolk.nhs.uk/attendance
  • The new school year is here, are you ready? Start the year right with new routines and make school attendance a priority. For advice and support visit www.justonenorfolk.nhs.uk/attendance
  • Did you know: Children with good attendance are more than twice as likely to pass their English and Maths GCSEs compared to those who are persistently absent.
  • 90% attendance is classed as persistent absence and adds up to missing 4 weeks of learning throughout the year.
  • School attendance can be a real challenge for a variety of reasons. You can find advice and support on www.justonenorfolk.nhs.uk/attendance, or speak to your child’s school for help.

Every Day Counts Assets