Parents, Carers & The Community

A good community spirit can bind families and friends together in safeguarding those who are most vulnerable in society. It is our job to further that protection to children and make sure that no harm can ever come to any child under our jurisdiction or in surrounding areas. We feel that maintaining a strong connection to the community allows us to expand our support network and further our responsibility as a safeguarding board for children.

By participating in a community, you are part of a larger support network that is naturally vigilant of any abuse or neglect, ensuring that children are not put in harm’s way. This part of the website is especially relevant if you are a parent responsible for a child, a carer who works closely with children or are just an active member of the community.

All of the above roles can put you in a position where you may become concerned for a child’s welfare. We aim to help you in any regard, whether it is to maintain a support network or to advise you regarding any abuse you may have witnessed of a child. If you feel like you need advice, contact us today.

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